The Yay Area

Here’s the thing about San Francisco — there’s the Bay Area that you know and there’s the Bay Area that I grew up in. The Bay Area I grew up in didn’t have internet culture or crazy ass social media parties or Valleywag; it was blue-collar, more diverse and we watched Dominique di Prima rapping on Home Turf every morning on Channel 4 and all knew how to do the running man when Heavy D came on. Fuck, even the social pariahs like me knew how to do the running man. (I didn’t listen to “alternative rock” until I was a sophomore in college.) And that scene still exists, you just have to know where to look for it; the Bay Area is big enough for everyone to just barely tolerate each other.

I guess this is why I really like this food vlog — because first of all, they don’t call it a fucking vlog and second, these guys are like the people I ran with in college. Also, Style Beyond Compare; I remember they played on KMEL all the time growing up.

In other news, my friend Chris let me know that my old neighborhood boba place in the Mission has been rebranded to “Boba Guys,” where they serve hipster boba in mason jars with an armadillo drinking boba.

Also, look at that logo! I don’t know if they have armadillos in Taiwan. I don’t know if they know what armadillos are in Taiwan. (Soak in my hypocrisy.)

I… I don’t know.